Spiritual Transcendence: A Rapid Prototyping Guide with Olivia Wong

Olivia Wong is a senior partner at Protype Thinking and has been working teaching rapid prototyping for years.

Rapid prototyping is a design workflow that consists of ideation, prototyping, and testing.

She’s internalized this way of being to the point that she has utilized it to figure out how to design her life exactly how she wants to with incredible speed and clarity.

We connected on the SOULS of Society podcast where she shared several insights about rebuilding your life in times of crisis.

Here are excerpts from an incredibly inspiring conversation I had with my good friend Olivia Wong about how she is utilizing this quarantine period to grow.

We’ve been friends for about 5 years and it’s been an incredible joy to watch her evolve into a powerful leader.

“The most beautiful lesson I've gotten in the last few weeks is the message of grief.

What is grief?

What does it mean to lose what you thought you had? What does it mean to say goodbye or let go of a story that you had for yourself of how you thought things were going to work out?

If you've lost your home, your family members, your lifestyle. You know, I have these sort of very small human desires. I like to eat at the restaurant that's down my street. I like being able to go outside and run and exercise outdoors. I like going to my gym, and it's just a small example of something that I felt like I've lost. But when I started to really look at what grief meant to me, what I found was such a deep and profound love.

It was the same feeling as gratitude, but it came from a different place. It came from a place of longing and nostalgia, but also a deep desire to appreciate the things that I already had. And I can't say that I've ever had such a profound experience of grief. It's one of those human emotions that we try to shortcut when we lose something or someone that we love. But it's this beautiful, sad, elegant mess that has actually made me feel more whole and more appreciative of my existence as a soul right now in this universe because I was given this life and this was part of my plan.”

Listen to the full podcast below

Now is the time to try new things. It's the time to be that next new version of yourself. Who are you becoming next? Who are you becoming now? Who do you want to become?

This crisis, pandemic, whatever you want to call it, has given us an opportunity to really think and be intentional about what we're creating and how we're showing up in the world for ourselves and for other people. And the really fun opportunity in that is you get to choose. You get to create.

What is your story? Who are you next? What is your personal narrative? How do you want to relate to money? How do you want to relate to others? How do you want to relate to the service that you provide through your work or your business?

We're seeing so many people being driven by service right now by altruism, and that's a story I want to be more a part of. I want to see more in the world, and I also think that we are at a great schism. The past is the past, and right now what we're doing is we're creating the new world, this new paradigm where we can rewrite the rules.

It's a world where collaboration, love, connection, service, devotion, and altruism rank Queen and supreme. So be part of that future.

What can you do today when just small step to live into that new reality and be part of that as we're shaping it together as a human society.